Monument Details Z20

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Date of Death
Place Name
12 May 1843
Hazenden, Wellmeadow Mearns

Stone Condition: Sound Material: Sandstone Height: 2.04 Breadth: 0.98 Depth: 0.44 Inscription Condition: Clear but worn Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 2 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription



Who died on the 12th May 1843
Aged 37 years

As a tribute of respect
by a few of his particular friends
and relatives.

Family History

The wording of this elegant monument with its detailed carving and down turned torches is a testament to the life of John Hall, calico printer at Hazelden and Wellmeadow. His memorial was erected as ‘a tribute of respect by a few of his particular friends and relatives’. The cause of his death at the age of thirty-seven years is not known, but it is clear that he was held in high esteem and that his death was much regretted.

About 1838 he converted the bleachfield at Hazleden to a calico printing establishment where three years later seventy workers were employed, many of whom lived in rows of cottages near the works.

John Hall’s address according to the 1841 census was at Tofts where he was living with a servant and William Hall, his brother, who was manager of the Tofts printworks. Another family with the surname Hall was living at this time at Little Greenlaw. Dugald Hall, the head of the family, is described there as a calico printer.

Wellmeadow, where John Hall also worked, was one of the earliest cloth processing works in Mearns, in operation by 1792. Situated near the present Wellmeadow Care Home, it functioned at various times as a bleachfield, a calico printing establishment and a laundry.

In 2007, Newton Mearns Area Forum funded the stabilisation or re-erection of some fourteen monuments within Mearns Kirkyard, one of which was John Hall’s.