Site Help

Quick search
To perform a quick search, simply enter all or part of a forename or surname in the search box which is situated at the top of most pages. When the Results are displayed you will be able to sort them by forename, surname, date of death, age and monument number. You will also be able to view all details of any monument in the list.

Advanced search (available from the grey bar at the top of all pages)
Using the advanced search option will bring up the same Results screen as the quick search. The advantage of using the advanced search function is that you can narrow your search terms based on a combination of forename, surname, monument number, pre 1855 number, year of death and age of death. You may use as many or as few of the fields as possible. As with the quick search you need only enter part of the search term if you desire. When the Results are displayed you will be able to sort them by forename, surname, date of death, age and monument number. You will also be able to view all details of any monument in the list.

A-Z (available from the grey bar at the top of all pages)
If you would like to see a group of monuments based on a surname you can click on a letter below and you will be taken to a list of them. For example, if you click on ‘A’ you will be shown all the people with a surname beginning with 'A' buried in the Kirkyard.

Viewing images
After you have performed a search you will be able to select a monument to view. Once you make this selection you will be presented with a page showing all the details and a medium sized image of the monument. To view a larger image, simply click on the medium sized image. It is recommended that you disable any pop up blockers you may have running and also give the image time to download. Although every effort has been made to ensure the large images download quickly, internet speeds may vary depending on connection speeds

Kirkyard Map (available from the grey bar at the top of all pages)
The map has been split into clearly marked sections, simply click on a section to be taken to a list of monuments which reside in that area. When the Results are displayed you will be able to sort them by forename, surname, date of death, age and monument number. You will also be able to view all details of any monument in the list. Text links are also provided.

If you have any specific enquiries, please go to the Contact Us page to get in touch.

Please visit our Accessibility page for more information about our accessibility policies.