Church Location

A link to the location of the Kirk on the MultiMap website can be found below….

Mearns Kirk Location (opens in new window)

A general website for the Kirk can be found at the following address:

Extract from the First Statistical Account of Scotland 1794 - 96

Rev Mr George McLatchie, Minister

The Mearns

The parifh of Mearns is situated in Renfrewfhire, in the prefbytery of Paifley, and provincial synod of Glafgow and Ayr. Its centre is about 8 miles distant from Glafgow and nearly as far from Paifley. It stands high above the level of the Clyde. There are no confiderable hills in it but the face of the ground is beautifully diverfified by a great variety of waving fwells.

Character of the people - The people of the parifh are sober, induftrious, and economical; refpectful to their fuperiors, and uncommonly friendly and obliging. They are rational in their religious fentiments, and moderate in their religious zeal. All of them are ftrongly attached to our prefent civil conftitution, and cautioufly avoid giving countenance to any change or innovation in it. It is happy for them, that they pretend not to make politics their ftudy. They mind the duties and bufinefs of their own ftation, and wifh to enjoy, with thankfulnefs and peace, the many blefsings which a kind providence beftows on them.