Monument Details Z13

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Good Material: Marble Height: 0.32 Breadth: 0.48 Depth: 0.8 Inscription Condition: Good Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. N/A ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

In   Granny
Memory   Ross
of   Died
    Nov. 1968

Family History

A small marble open book mounted on a backing stone plaque contains a tribute which illustrates the warmth felt towards the commemorated person named on its face by someone unnamed.

A simple message indicates that the memorial was in remembrance of a lady known as Granny Ross, who died in November, 1967. The memorial is found to be laid against the southern boundary wall of the kirkyard and may not mark the site of the actual burial. Taking into account the date of death it is more likely that the memorial was placed as a remembrance token rather than a grave marker.

It is presently unknown who Granny Ross was but she obviously held and important place in someone’s life.

It is interesting to note that nearby to where this plaque was discovered in the graveyard is a monument to a family with the surname Ross,(Monument Z24). Should these persons be related and taking into consideration the time scale applicable it is possible that Granny Ross is Davina Young Plank or Ross wife of Philip Ross. Checks have revealed that such a person died in Leith aged 81 years in 1967.