Monument Details T09

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Date of Death
Place Name
I.P. B. W.

Stone Condition: Sound, Sunk Material: Sandstone Length: 1.7 Breadth: 0.7 Depth: 0.07 Inscription Condition: Mainly illegible Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 8 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

I.P.  B. W.  [17]30

Family History

This very early flat stone grave cover displays a few primitive incised letters on the top edge of the face. Whether these letters, which for the greater part are indecipherable, were appended to identify the original occupants of the grave is debatable.

The lettering is of such poor workmanship and quality that it may well have been added at a much later date to the stone which by that time had lost all its original lettering through exposure to the elements.

The possibility that the inscription may be a form of early vandalism or graffiti should not be overlooked, as other examples of such activities appear elsewhere in this and other graveyards.

The visible inscription shows the letters IPB W 30. The remainder of the memorial displays no identifiable marks.