Monument Details S13

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Date of Death
Place Name
05 April 1906

Stone Condition: Sound Material: Granite Height: 2.4 Breadth: 0.86 Depth: 0.41 Inscription Condition: Clear but worn Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: W. Scott, Cathcart Pre 1855 no. N/A ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription





Who died 5th April 1906

In his 67th year

Family History

This memorial covers the grave of a lone occupant by the name of Robert Lambie.

Robert came from a lineage of farming folk and, although born in the parish of East Kilbride, had moved to the Mearns with his parents when they took occupancy of Balgraystone Farm. The farm was situated at the most north-westerly boundary of the parish of Mearns, near to the parish of Neilston. Consisting of one hundred and twenty acres of fairly level land it would have given a living to a family by dairying and associated products.

Robert married late in life when he took a woman from the Isle of Mull as his wife. This person named Catherine McKenzie presented her husband with three children, two daughters and a son.

The circumstances surrounding the death of Robert Lambie are unclear, but suffice to say he suffered a laceration to his brain resulting from a gun shot wound at 9.30am on 5th March, 1906. Whether by accident or design, the shot was fatal, and as a result Robert lies in a lonely grave in Mearns Kirkyard.

Robert’s death was registered by his son John.