Monument Details S06

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Date of Death
Place Name
John Jnr
28 September 1831

Stone Condition: Sound, Tilted Material: Sandstone Height: 1.17 Breadth: 0.85 Depth: 0.16 Inscription Condition: Clear but worn Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 16 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription


To the memory of John
Lithgow Junr. of Broom
Who died on the 28th day
Of September 1831.
Aged 44 years.

This is now the property of
Robert Lithgow of Broom,
and his heirs March 11th 183[1 or 4]

Family History

Little is known of the background or character of John Lithgow, born on 15th October, 1785. The fact that this person was not a native of the district, never married and died relatively young, has contributed to the dearth of information. What is known is that he was born in the village of Inveresk near Musselburgh, East Lothian on 15th October, 1785, the child of Robert Lithgow and Janet Peden.

He took over the farm of Broom and farmed it apparently as owner as well as farmer. On his death in 1831 aged forty-four years, the farm passed to his elder brother Robert. Robert remained at the farm for other ten years or so before selling it to the family Craig who were to occupy it through several generations.

The monument to John was raised by his brother Robert.