Monument Details S05

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Date of Death
Place Name
21 July 1839

Stone Condition: Sound, Tilted Material: Sandstone Height: 1.42 Breadth: 0.73 Depth: 0.15 Inscription Condition: Clear Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 15 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

1839 Aged 47 years

Family History

Once again Mearns Kirkyard throws up an enigma in the shape of an inscription on this monument. Examination of the inscription reveals that, for some unexplained reason, the last line of the inscription is engraved in the form of a handwritten style, whilst the remainder is engraved in formal capital letters. This peculiarity is not apparent on any other monument within the kirkyard.

The person to whom the memorial is dedicated, John Craig, was born in the parish of Kilbride in 1792. His occupation is unknown as was his residence, but if he had any connections with other Craig families in the parish he may have followed their example by working on the land.

John married a girl named Mary Flemming from the neighbouring parish of Carmunnock. The marriage, which took place on 7th January 1815, most probably in Mary’s home village, would have established yet another connection between the two parishes.

This couple during the course of their marriage raised five children, only four of which survived till adulthood. The oldest were Andrew and John, twins born on 2nd June 1816, (unfortunately John was not to survive babyhood but as was a common practice of the times another child born later was given his name). Another son given the name David, arrived on 8th February, 1818. There appears to have been a lengthy gap before another boy was born on 24th September, 1826 and given his earlier deceased sibling’s name of John. The last child was the only daughter, a girl named Mary, who was born on 19th October, 1828.

The father was to die aged forty-seven years in 1839 of causes unknown, but with the comforting knowledge that his older sons were of an age to support their mother and sister.