Monument Details P09

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Date of Death
Place Name
11 November 1919
07 November 1939

Relatives: Husband of Mary Pollock Stone Condition: Sound, Tilted Material: Granite Height: 1.36 Breadth: 0.67 Depth: 0.27 Inscription Condition: Mint Inscription Technique: Applique Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. N/A ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

To The Memory

DIED 11TH NOV. 1919
DIED 7TH NOV. 1939


Family History

This granite monument is testament to the strong family affection for the persons interred beneath it John Osborne and his wife Mary Pollock.

John was born in Neilston to David Osborne and Janet Wallace on 5th May, 1862. Neilston had originally been a small agricultural settlement established over many centuries, and owned for the greater part by the Muirs of Caldwell amongst others. With the onset of the Industrial Revolution, and in particular the creation of large mills for the spinning and dyeing of yarn, Neilston was to find itself becoming a centre of this activity. This new work attracted many persons to leave the agricultural work that had previously dominated their lives to enter the world of industry. This may have happened with the Osborne family as John’s parents had moved from Fenwick in North Ayrshire to Neilston, probably to work in the large mill complex built there.

Amongst the many new skills offered by this industry was that of calenderer. A calenderer was a person who passed cloth through heavy rollers to give a smooth pressed finish to the woven fabric. This was the occupation taken up by John Osborne.

Strong connections between the communities of Neilston and Mearns had been established over the centuries owing to the paths and tracks running between these adjoining parishes. It may have been through these that John Osborne met his wife Mary Pollock, a Mearns resident.

Mary, daughter of Andrew Pollock, a joiner to trade, and Martha Morrison, was born in the Mearns on 1st October, 1859. After marrying, the couple set up home at 76 Main St, Newton Mearns where they raised their small family. John would have been able to find suitable employment for his skills in the nearby Netherplace Works.

John Osborne died of heart failure in the Victoria Infirmary on 11th November 1919, the first Armistice Day after the end of the First World War. His widow survived him by twenty years dying shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War. The deaths were recorded by their son Andrew Osborne from Tantallon Rd in Shawlands.