Monument Details P01

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Sound Material: Sandstone Length: 2.14 Breadth: 1.08 Depth: 0.15 Inscription Condition: Eroded Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 38 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

ERECTED to the Memory of

[ ] Robert Hay

[Ne]therplace Who departed this
Life [2]5 Ap 180[ ] [ :] [ ] 9 years

[   ]
[   ]
[   ]
[   ]

Family History

This monument of the flat stone design has very little of its original inscription in a readable condition. The stone, very much to its detriment, in common with many around it, has been eroded by the weather over the years. From the little visible carving available it appears that the stone was prepared for someone of importance as the embellishment of the lettering was far superior to that found on most stones.

Nothing is known of the person named on the stone, Robert Hay, although between 1796 and 1873 there were a total of five such named persons born in the parish.

One such birth occurred on 27th July 1805, the parents being Robert Hay and his wife Anabella Mather. The Mathers were a wealthy land owning family which may account for the elaborate stone placed on this grave.

By its design, size and lettering it is likely to have been made in the 19th century.