Monument Details N07

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Damaged Material: Sandstone Length: 1.8 Breadth: 0.76 Depth: 0.06 Inscription Condition: Eroded Inscription Technique: Not known Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. N/A ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

Has no inscription

Family History

The two stones comprising this monument give the appearance of having been utilised as flagstones on the path surrounding the south side of the church building. Situated practically outside the original door of the church they would have been trodden on over many years. Any inscriptions have long since disappeared.

There seems to have been a period of time when little thought was given to preservation of tombstones within the kirkyard, and many were selected to construct pathways for the use of church members attending services. This practice, apart from damaging and defacing the stones, often involved the removal of stones from their original resting places thus depriving identification of these sites.