Monument Details N04

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Damaged Material: Sandstone Length: 1.68 Breadth: 0.61 Depth: 0.13 Inscription Condition: Illegible or eroded Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 87 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription



Family History

Whether this stone originally served as a tombstone is questionable. Situated directly outside the original main entrance to the church it serves the purpose of an entrance step.

Inscribed on the face of the stone are random letters which bear no relation to that expected on a grave monument. Indeed the letters are placed erratically at various positions on the stone, and appear most likely to be casual initials added by persons with time on their hands.

Considering that at one period of time a wooden porch would have covered this area, it is possible that young persons taking shelter under this structure may have spent time carving their initials on the stone. One inscription in particular showing initials joined by a cross mark might indicate a lovers tryst. The second set of initials is upside down to the others and reads KC, whilst a third mark appears more like a casual design scrawl on the stone.

Perhaps it might be assumed we have an early case of Mearns graffiti.