Monument Details L10

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Damaged Material: Sandstone Height: 2.05 Breadth: 0.92 Depth: 0.35 Inscription Condition: Badly Eroded Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: W.Scott, Cathcart Pre 1855 no. N/A ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription




Family History

This memorial appears to have suffered very badly through the adverse effect weather has had on its face. An exceptionally ornate stone, obviously belonging to a person of substance, has failed in its purpose through being made of sandstone. Virtually the entire inscription has been obliterated owing to the sandstone face layer parting from the main stone.

With the little part of the inscription visible and the apparent wealth of its originator it may be related to a nearby stone (Monument M04), which concerns a family Williamson, who were merchants in Glasgow. This is supposition on the part of the writer who would appreciate any help in identifying the occupant of this grave.