Monument Details L03

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Date of Death
Place Name
16 September 1833

Relatives: Husband of Jean Urie. Stone Condition: Sound, Tilted Material: Sandstone Height: 1 Breadth: 0.83 Depth: 0.17 Inscription Condition: Clear but worn Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 43 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

This is the Burying Place
Who died 16th Septr 1833.
aged 57 years.
Erected by his Spouse

Family History

This simple and plain stone monument commemorates only one individual namely William Pollock.

Erected by his spouse Jean Urie it does not appear that she shares the grave with her husband. On the other hand in some instances the cost incurred in having an additional inscription added to a stone would not be met by the survivors, thus failing to signify such an additional burial.

William was a local man born in the Mearns Parish on 7th March, 1783 to parents Robert Pollock and Janet King.

It appears possible that William and his wife may have been either first cousins or closely related, as her parents were John Urie and Margaret Pollock. She would appear to have been born in the adjoining parish of Cathcart in February, 1782.

Nothing further is known about the lives of this couple at present. It is highly probable that they were involved in agriculture as families carrying their surnames were well represented in the Mearns farming community over several generations.