Monument Details K08

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Sound Material: Sandstone Height: 1.78 Breadth: 0.72 Depth: 0.12 Inscription Condition: Clear but worn Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 37 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

J. R.

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Family History

This table stone on which is inscribed the date 1611 together with the initials J.R. is the oldest legible memorial so far discovered in the Kirkyard. It also commemorates William Ritchie, born in Paisley, who died in 1863.

It is placed beside monument N15 which commemorates William Ritchie’s son James, one time blacksmith at Eastfield Smithy, together with his wife Isabella Granger and their daughters, Isabella McLean Ritchie and Catherine (Kate) Wilson Ritchie. Because of the proximity of these monuments the researcher has concluded that J.R. was a forebear of the family.

William Ritchie, born in 1805, was the son of John Ritchie and his wife Isabella King who were married in the Laigh Parish in Paisley in 1788. William is described variously in the censuses from 1841 to 1861 as a cotton hand loom weaver, a hand loom weaver and as a shawl weaver living at Dovelands, Paisley.
His son James’s marriage certificate records his deceased father’s occupation as that of silk weaver.

Despite the fact that the date 1863 is inscribed on the memorial the researchers have been unable to find any record of William Ritchie’s death. It is possible but purely speculation that he died and outwith the jurisdiction of the Scottish Authorities and that he only returned for burial or to be recorded on this memorial.