Monument Details F06

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Sound Material: Sandstone Height: 0.62 Breadth: 0.54 Depth: 0.14 Inscription Condition: Clear but worn Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 66 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

I S . E G . 1742

Family History

This monument stands as an identical partner to Monument F05. The stones of plain unadorned design commemorate the deaths of two persons only identified by their initials I S and J G and the date 1742. As suggested on the previous monument account it may have been that the persons interred were to die at the same date and time or at least within the year signified on the inscription through disease or accident.

Interestingly the Mearns district was to suffer severe famines at various dates of its history and one such occurred in 1740. These famines, usually brought on by a succession of poor harvests caused by severe winters and wet summers, had a dreadful effect on the populace. Not only did the crops fail to grow and thrive but this meant that there was no seed to sow for the following years crops.

Some parishes tried to alleviate the effect of such losses by purchasing grain from less affected areas and even abroad, but transport or lack of it, was often a barrier to its distribution, particularly in rural areas. Many families were wiped out during such events literally starving to death despite their best efforts to survive. Some famine periods lasted several years, so the death rate rose appropriately.

Were the persons who lie under these monuments such victims?