Monument Details F04

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Date of Death
Place Name
09 May 1820
Alleys Bank

Relatives: Wife of Robert Stevenson Stone Condition: Damaged Material: Sandstone Height: 2.04 Breadth: 1.2 Depth: 0.08 Inscription Condition: Clear but worn Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 69 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription


Agnes Craig

Relict of the deceased

Robert Stevenson
(of ) Alleys Bank.
who died 9th May 1820.
aged 81 years.

Family History

This early flat stone memorial is to be found alongside the south wall of the kirkyard.
Although simple in construction it displays very elaborate engraved lettering far above the quality of most stones around it. No indication is shown as to who commissioned this memorial or the mason responsible for this skilled work.

The identity of the person buried here is equally unknown apart from the minimal information contained in the engraving.

Agnes Craig, it would appear, was the widow of Robert Stevenson. Enquiries reveal that there was in the parish of Rutherglen a place named Alleys .It is most probable this locus may be that referred to on the monument.
It has to be considered that Agnes Craig retired to the district on being widowed and the information about her husband was appended as a further means of identification of his origins.

No trace can be found of any record showing either the birth or marriage of the two persons named on this stone within the parish of Mearns.