Monument Details A01

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Sound, Tilted Material: Sandstone Height: 0.5 Breadth: 0.4 Depth: 0.2 Inscription Condition: Clear but worn Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 82 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription


Family History

This very simple tablet of stone stands in line with several other equally plain stones in the north-east corner of the kirkyard.

From the very limited material engraved on all these monuments it gives the impression that there may be a common bonding of some sort between each of the interred parties.

Whilst it is unlikely that all the deceased died on the same date, there is a strong indication that many of them have originally resided in Busby. Did they all work in the same mill or works at Busby for the same employer who paid for their interment?

J. Kennedy may have been acknowledged as having been buried here but otherwise is unremembered.