Monument Details Q08

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Sound, Sunk Material: Sandstone Length: 1.92 Breadth: 0.92 Depth: 0.12 Inscription Condition: Eroded Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known

Monument Inscription

Has no inscription

Family History

This extremely eroded stone lying to the south of the church building in Mearns kirkyard is made of the local whinstone. Time, weather and an input of minor graffiti have all but obliterated the original inscription on its face.

With difficulty it has been possible to make out two names one being James Watson, the other Jane Pollock. No date has been ascertained although by the style of the stone and the primitive carving of the inscription lettering it would appear to have been made sometime in the seventeenth century.

The names of this couple are those of families known to the district, especially the Pollocks. Watson, although found in the parish in Kirkhill and Titwood, is more often associated with Eaglesham and district. No other information is extant as to this family.