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Date of Death
Place Name
29 May 1909

Relatives: Wife of Aaron Ketterer Stone Condition: Sound, Sunk Material: Granite Height: 0.58 Breadth: 0.4 Depth: 0.15 Inscription Condition: Mostly decipherable Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. N/A ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription




DIED 20TH MAY 1909


Family History

This little recumbent monument sited near to the southern wall of the Mearns Kirk yard is placed there in memory of the wife of Aaron Ketterer.

Very little is known as to the identity or origin of this woman named Victoria Maler, as no record has been found of either her birth or marriage. There was a family carrying this unusual surname in Perthshire, but no definite connection has been made.

Aaron Ketterer on the other hand does leave an identifiable trail, albeit sparse in content. Born to Joseph Ketterer, a clockmaker to trade, and his wife Susan Mukle, Aaron arrived in the Mearns village of Newton with his wife and set up business as a watchmaker and repairer. The Ketterer family came originally from the Baden area of Germany and were Catholic by persuasion which perhaps accounts for the fact that there were no records within the Kirk parish registers of the time.

Even the death of Victoria Ketterer nee Maler in 1909 was unreported to the relevant authorities in Scotland, indicating perhaps that she died abroad, although unfamiliarity with the registration system may have contributed to this oversight.

Aaron himself in due course left the Mearns and moved into Glasgow where he died aged eighty-seven years of age in 1929. The death was reported by his brother and at the time of demise Aaron was residing at 164 Keppoch Hill, Springburn.

Investigations revealed only one other family called Ketterer in the United Kingdom in Frome, Somerset. They also originated in Germany and were watchmakers to trade.