Monument Details H01A

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Date of Death
Place Name
Newton Mearns

Stone Condition: Damaged Material: Sandstone Height: 1.95 Breadth: 0.2 Depth: 0.6 Inscription Condition: Clear but worn Inscription Technique: Incised Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. 64 ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription

[M]atthew Davidson. Late in New town of Mearns

[ ] heir Children. 1820

Family History

A broken fragment of stone appearing through the topsoil, when cleared, was to reveal this unusual horizontal gravestone. This style of marking a grave was most commonly utilised in the latter half of the 17th century. Why such a style was adopted has never been fully explained, was it dependent on stone available, or merely fashion? The style did not survive for long before the more recognisable and traditional vertical memorial stone came back into use.

The family buried under this stone, have not been identified as Mearns people. The name Matthew Davidson was attributable to persons from Eaglesham and Cathcart during the time covered by the displayed date of 1820. The inscription has been shortened owing to the damage incurred to the stone, and would most possibly have identified Matthew Davidson’s spouse.

Interestingly, reference being made to the parents and their children being interred, and only one date shown, may indicate that the entire family perished together from disease or tragic event such as a house fire.

By chance this resting place was revealed, but retains its secret as to why and who, lies beneath its protection.