Monument Details C07

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Date of Death
Place Name

Stone Condition: Tilted, Sunk Material: Sandstone Height: 0.42 Breadth: 0.74 Depth: 0.13 Inscription Condition: Mainly illegible Inscription Technique: Incised, Relief Mason: Not known Pre 1855 no. N/A ( What's this? )

Monument Inscription



Family History

This memorial, cut in local stone, is by its shape and style indicative of the period between the 18th and 19th century when stonemasons were adding embellishments to what had earlier been purely square shaped grave markers. Unfortunately owing to the age of the stone and the ravages of time and weather, part of the face has depreciated removing part of the inscription.

Curiously what markings remain are interesting to students of such matters. The use of the letters X and A standing alone at opposite edges of the face may have more significance than merely initials. Were they Christian symbols or some other allied markings rather than intended identification marks of the commemorated?

Similarly the date shown within an incised box is highly stylised having the figures 1 and 0 shown at half the size of the remaining two figures 8. Whilst it is possible the date was added well after the erection of the original monument its workmanship and appearance indicate it may have been part of the original markings.

Obviously, despite the aforesaid information being apparent to view, it brings the seeker no nearer to identifying the person buried beneath this monument.